
Trading Holidays on BIST

Donnerstag Apr. 20, 2023 Ramadan Feast
Freitag Apr. 21, 2023 Ramadan Feast Holiday
Montag Mai 01, 2023 Labour and Solidarity Day
Freitag Mai 19, 2023 Youth & Sporttag
Dienstag Jun 27, 2023 Sacrifice Feast
Mittwoch Jun 28, 2023 Sacrifice Feast
Donnerstag Jun 29, 2023 Sacrifice Feast
Freitag Jun 30, 2023 Sacrifice Feast
Mittwoch Aug. 30, 2023 Tag des Sieges

Borsa Istanbul BIST Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on BIST Exchange

Borsa Istanbul (BIST) is the primary stock exchange of Turkey, offering a platform for trading various types of securities, including equities, Fesseln, and derivatives. The exchange is regulated by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey and plays a crucial role in the country’s financial market.

As with most other stock exchanges, BIST has a schedule of trading holidays that investors need to be aware of when planning their investment strategies. In 2023, BIST will observe a total of 14 trading holidays, based on national and religious events in Turkey. The following is a list of BIST trading holidays for 2023:

  1. Neujahr – Januar 1, 2023
  2. National Sovereignty and Children’s Day – April 23, 2023
  3. Labor and Solidarity Day – Mai 1, 2023
  4. Ramadan FeastTBC*
  5. Ramadan FeastTBC*
  6. Ramadan FeastTBC*
  7. Democracy and National Unity Day – Juli 15, 2023
  8. Feast of SacrificeTBC*
  9. Feast of SacrificeTBC*
  10. Feast of SacrificeTBC*
  11. Tag der Republik – Oktober 29, 2023
  12. Eid al-Fitr – TBC*
  13. Eid al-Fitr – TBC*
  14. Eid al-Fitr – TBC*

*The exact dates of the Ramadan Feast and the Feast of Sacrifice depend on the sighting of the moon and will be confirmed closer to the time.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die Handelszeiten und -tage aufgrund der Marktbedingungen oder anderer Faktoren variieren können. daher, investors should regularly check the BIST website for any updates or changes in the trading schedule.

Zusätzlich zur Bereitstellung einer Plattform für den Wertpapierhandel, BIST offers various services to investors, einschließlich Marktdaten, Abwicklungs- und Clearingdienste, und Bildungsprogramme für Anleger. The exchange aims to foster a robust and transparent financial market in Turkey and promote a culture of financial literacy and awareness.

Abschließend, BIST is a vital component of Turkey’s financial market, Bereitstellung einer Plattform für den Wertpapierhandel und verschiedene andere Dienstleistungen. It is essential for investors to be aware of BIST’s trading holidays in 2023 bei der Planung ihrer Anlagestrategien. Investors should also keep an eye on any updates or changes to the trading schedule on BIST’s official website.

bist trading holidays in 2023

Borsa Istanbul Truthahn Securities National holidays Trading schedule
BIST Trading holidays Equities Religious holidays Market conditions
Capital Markets Board Investment strategies Bonds Settlement Clearing services
Financial market Derivatives Trading schedule Investor education Financial literacy