
Trading Holidays on MSE

Montag Jan. 02, 2023 Neujahrsfeiertag
Freitag Febr. 10, 2023 Feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck
Freitag Beschädigen 31, 2023 Freedom Day
Freitag Apr. 07, 2023 Guter Freitag
Montag Mai 01, 2023 Workers’ Tag
Mittwoch Jun 07, 2023 Sette Giugno
Donnerstag Jun 29, 2023 Feast of St Peter and St Paul
Dienstag Aug. 15, 2023 Feast of the Assumption
Freitag Sept 08, 2023 Tag des Sieges
Donnerstag Sept 21, 2023 Tag der Unabhängigkeit
Freitag Dez 08, 2023 Unbefleckte Empfängnis
Mittwoch Dez 13, 2023 Tag der Republik
Montag Dez 25, 2023 Weihnachtstag

Malta Stock Exchange MSE Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on MSE Exchange

The Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) is the primary stock exchange in Malta and plays a crucial role in the country’s economic growth. Wie bei allen Börsen, the MSE is closed on certain holidays throughout the year. It is important for traders and investors to know these holidays to plan their trading activities and schedules accordingly.

Here is a list of MSE holidays for the year 2023:

  1. Neujahr: Sonntag, Januar 1, 2023 The market will be closed on Monday, Januar 2, 2023, in lieu of New Year’s Day.
  2. Feast of St. Paul’s Shipwreck: Mittwoch, Februar 10, 2023 The market will be closed on Wednesday, Februar 10, 2023, for the Feast of St. Paul’s Shipwreck.
  3. Guter Freitag: Freitag, April 14, 2023 The market will be closed on Friday, April 14, 2023, for Good Friday.
  4. Freedom Day: Freitag, April 21, 2023 The market will be closed on Friday, April 21, 2023, for Freedom Day.
  5. Tag der Arbeit: Montag, Mai 1, 2023 The market will be closed on Monday, Mai 1, 2023, for Labour Day.
  6. Feast of the Assumption: Dienstag, August 15, 2023 The market will be closed on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, for the Feast of the Assumption.
  7. Tag der Unabhängigkeit: Freitag, September 21, 2023 The market will be closed on Friday, September 21, 2023, for Independence Day.
  8. Tag der Republik: Montag, Dezember 11, 2023 The market will be closed on Monday, Dezember 11, 2023, for Republic Day.
  9. Weihnachtstag: Montag, Dezember 25, 2023 The market will be closed on Monday, Dezember 25, 2023, for Christmas Day.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass einer der oben genannten Feiertage auf ein Wochenende fällt, Der Markt bleibt am folgenden Werktag geschlossen. Zusätzlich, the MSE may close unexpectedly for events like natural disasters or public health emergencies, and traders and investors should stay updated on any announcements from the MSE regarding changes to its trading schedule.

Abschließend, understanding the MSE holiday schedule for the year 2023 kann Händlern und Investoren dabei helfen, ihre Handelsaktivitäten und Zeitpläne entsprechend zu planen. By keeping track of the MSE holidays, Händler können verpasste Handelsmöglichkeiten vermeiden und ihre Anlagestrategien planen.

mse trading holidays in 2023
