
Trading Holidays on MSM

Sonntag Apr. 23, 2023 Eid-al-Fitr
Montag Apr. 24, 2023 Eid-al-Fitr Holiday
Dienstag Jun 27, 2023 Eid al-Adha
Mittwoch Jun 28, 2023 Eid al-Adha-Feiertag
Donnerstag Jun 29, 2023 Eid al-Adha-Feiertag
Sonntag Juli 02, 2023 Eid al-Adha-Feiertag
Montag Juli 03, 2023 Eid al-Adha-Feiertag
Dienstag Juli 04, 2023 Eid al-Adha-Feiertag
Mittwoch Juli 05, 2023 Eid al-Adha-Feiertag
Mittwoch Juli 19, 2023 Islamisches Neujahr
Mittwoch Sept 27, 2023 Geburtstag des Propheten Mohammed

Muscat Securities Market Oman MSM Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on MSM Exchange

Muscat Securities Market (MSM) Feiertage 2023

The Muscat Securities Market (MSM) is the only stock exchange in Oman and plays a vital role in the country’s financial market. The MSM provides a platform for trading equities, Fesseln, Islamic financial instruments, und andere Wertpapiere. As traders and investors gear up for the trading year ahead, it’s essential to know the holidays and trading hours for the MSM in 2023 to plan their trades and avoid any potential disruptions.

In 2023, the MSM will observe several holidays throughout the year. Einige dieser Feiertage führen zu vorzeitigen oder ganztägigen Schließungen der Börse, so it is crucial to be aware of them to avoid any inconvenience.

Here is the list of MSM holidays in 2023:

It is important to note that the MSM may also close for other events or unforeseen circumstances, wie extreme Wetterbedingungen oder technische Probleme. In solchen Fällen, Die Börse wird Händler und Anleger im Voraus über etwaige Änderungen des Handelsplans informieren.

The MSM’s trading hours for regular trading days are from 9:30 Bin. Zu 1:30 Uhr. Gulf Standard Time (GST). The exchange also offers pre-market hours from 8:30 Bin. Zu 9:30 Bin. GST for orders and trades that are scheduled to be executed outside of regular trading hours.

Abschließend, understanding the Muscat Securities Market holiday schedule for 2023 ist für Händler und Investoren, die an der Börse handeln möchten, von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die Kenntnis der Börsenschließungen kann Händlern bei der Planung ihrer Strategien helfen und mögliche Störungen vermeiden. Wie immer, it is recommended that traders keep themselves informed of any changes or updates to the MSM’s holiday schedule throughout the year.

msm trading holidays in 2023
