
Market Holidays on BVG 2024

  1. Neujahr – Januar 1, 2024 (Sonntag)
  2. Guter Freitag – April 19, 2024 (Freitag)
  3. Tag der Arbeit – Mai 1, 2024 (Mittwoch)
  4. Battle of Pichincha Day – Mai 24, 2024 (Freitag)
  5. Foundation of Guayaquil – Juli 25, 2024 (Donnerstag)
  6. Independence of Guayaquil – Oktober 9, 2024 (Mittwoch)
  7. All Souls’ Tag – November 2, 2024 (Samstag)
  8. Independence of Cuenca – November 3, 2024 (Sonntag)
  9. Foundation of Quito – Dezember 6, 2024 (Freitag)
  10. Weihnachtstag – Dezember 25, 2024 (Mittwoch)

Bolsa de Valores Guayaquil BVG Holidays 2024 (Ecuador)


Navigating Bolsa de Valores Guayaquil (BVG) Feiertage 2024

Bolsa de Valores Guayaquil (BVG) serves as a vital financial institution in Ecuador, offering a platform for trading various securities. Understanding the holiday schedule of BVG for 2024 is essential for investors, Händler, and businesses seeking to navigate the Ecuadorian market effectively.

Introduction to Bolsa de Valores Guayaquil (BVG)

Founded in [year], Bolsa de Valores Guayaquil (BVG) operates as one of the principal stock exchanges in Ecuador, fostering capital formation and investment opportunities in the region. BVG provides a transparent and regulated marketplace for trading equities, Fesseln, und andere Wertpapiere, contributing to the development of Ecuador’s financial sector. The exchange is committed to integrity, transparency, und Innovation, Gewährleistung eines fairen und geordneten Handelsumfelds.

Significance of BVG Holidays

BVG holidays mark days when trading activities on the exchange are suspended. Diese Feiertage, in der Regel auf nationaler Ebene ausgerichtet, regional, or cultural observances in Ecuador, Geben Sie den Marktteilnehmern wertvolle Zeit zum Ausruhen, reflektieren, und planen. Understanding the BVG holiday schedule is crucial for investors and traders to adjust their trading strategies, Risiken managen, und stellen Sie sicher, dass die gesetzlichen Anforderungen eingehalten werden.

What investors need to know about vacationing on the BVG stock exchange

The Bolsa de Valores Guayaquil, also known as BVG, is the stock exchange in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. It is one of the most important financial markets in the country and is open for trading most days of the week, all year round. Jedoch, like most exchanges in the world, the BVG has certain holidays when it is closed for trading. In diesem Artikel, we will discuss the LOB holidays for the year 2024.

It is important to note that while these are the official LOB holidays, other events or unforeseen circumstances may cause the exchange to close. In such cases, the SNB will issue a public announcement in advance.

Investors and traders active on the SNB should observe these holidays and plan their trading activities accordingly. It is recommended that traders adapt their strategies and portfolios to the market-free days. Zum Beispiel, traders should consider closing their positions before the holidays or stopping trading altogether.

In addition, traders should also be aware of the impact that public holidays in other countries can have on the LOB. The LOB is connected to other global markets and if a major market is closed due to a public holiday, this may also affect trading activity on the LOB.

Der 2024 LOB holidays are an important consideration for investors and traders who are active on the exchange. By planning ahead and adjusting their strategies accordingly, traders can ensure that they are well prepared for any potential market disruptions.

Bolsa de Valores Guayaquil (Ecuador) Feiertage 2024

Der Bolsa de Valores Guayaquil (BVG), also known as the Guayaquil Stock Exchange, is a vital financial institution in Ecuador. Let’s explore the trading holidays and key information related to BVG for the year 2024.

BVG Overview



An regulären Handelstagen (Montag bis Freitag), BVG operates from 9:00 BIN Zu 5:30 PN (Mitteleuropäische Zeit, MEZ). Anleger beteiligen sich aktiv am Kauf und Verkauf von Wertpapieren, contributing to Ecuador’s financial landscape.

Feiertage in 2024

Here are the official holidays when BVG takes a break from trading:

  1. Neujahr: Januar 1, 2024 (Sonntag)
  2. Carnival Monday: Februar 27, 2024
  3. Guter Freitag: April 14, 2024
  4. Tag der Arbeit: Mai 1, 2024
  5. Battle of Pichincha: Mai 23, 2024
  6. Tag der Unabhängigkeit: August 14, 2024
  7. Guayaquil Independence Day: Oktober 6, 2024


Forging the Future

Since 1969, BVG has been a leader in Ecuador’s stock market, promoting investment opportunities and contributing to the country’s economic development. Whether you’re an investor or simply curious about financial culture, keep an eye on BVG and its exciting developments in 2024! 📈🌟


bvg trading holidays in 2023
