
Market Holidays on MYX 2024

Montag Jan. 01, 2024 New Year Holiday
Donnerstag Jan. 25, 2024 Thaipusam (Many Regions)
Montag Febr. 12, 2024 Chinese New Year
Donnerstag Beschädigen 28, 2024 Nuzul Al-Quran
Mittwoch Apr. 10, 2024 Hari Raya Puasa
Donnerstag Apr. 11, 2024 Hari Raya Puasa Holiday
Mittwoch Mai 01, 2024 Labour day
Mittwoch Mai 22, 2024 Vesak Day
Montag Jun 03, 2024 Agong’s Birthday
Montag Jun 17, 2024 Hari Raya Haji
Sonntag Juli 07, 2024 Awal Muharram
Montag Juli 08, 2024 Awal Muharram Holiday
Montag Sept 16, 2024 Geburtstag des Propheten Mohammed
Montag Sept 16, 2024 Malaysia Day
Donnerstag Okt 31, 2024 Deepavali / Diwali
Mittwoch Dez 25, 2024 Weihnachtstag

Malaysia Stock Exchange MYX Holidays 2024


Charting Your Trading Course: Malaysia Stock Exchange (MYX) Feiertage 2024

As investors and traders gear up for the year ahead, it’s essential to familiarize themselves with the holidays observed by the Malaysia Stock Exchange (MYX) In 2024. Understanding these holidays is crucial for effective planning and execution of trading strategies, ensuring smooth operations throughout the year.

The Malaysia Stock Exchange, commonly known as Bursa Malaysia, serves as the country’s primary stock exchange, facilitating the trading of various financial instruments, including equities, Fesseln, and derivatives. Like many other stock exchanges worldwide, Bursa Malaysia observes several holidays during which trading is either suspended or operates on a modified schedule.

It’s crucial for traders and investors to take note of these holidays as they plan their trading strategies and activities throughout the year. Zusätzlich, understanding how these holidays may impact global markets and trading volumes can help traders make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks.

Abschließend, staying informed about the Malaysia Stock Exchange MYX holidays in 2024 is essential for anyone involved in trading and investing in Malaysian securities. Indem wir uns dieser Feiertage und ihrer Auswirkungen bewusst sind, traders can effectively plan their activities and navigate the financial markets with confidence.

What investors need to know about holidays on MYX Exchange

If you’re an investor planning to trade on the Malaysia Stock Exchange (MYX) In 2024, Es ist wichtig, den Feiertagsplan der Börse zu kennen, um verpasste Handelsmöglichkeiten zu vermeiden. In diesem Artikel, we’ll provide you with a complete list of MYX trading holidays for 2024.

MYX, also known as Bursa Malaysia, is the primary stock exchange in Malaysia, Hier werden inländische und internationale Aktien gehandelt. The MYX is open five days a week, von Montag bis Freitag, mit Handelszeiten von 9:00 bin zu 5:00 pm Malaysian Time (MYT). Jedoch, An Wochenenden und Feiertagen ist die Börse geschlossen, Daher ist es wichtig zu wissen, wann diese Tage sind.

It’s important to note that while the MYX is closed on the above-listed holidays, Andere Börsen auf der ganzen Welt bleiben möglicherweise geöffnet, potenzielle Auswirkungen auf die Handelsaktivität.

Außerdem, it’s always a good idea to check the MYX’s website or other reliable sources for any unexpected closures or changes to the holiday schedule. Dies ist besonders wichtig, wenn Sie ausstehende Aufträge oder offene Positionen auf dem Markt haben.

MYX trading holidays in 2024 kann Ihnen bei der Planung Ihrer Anlagestrategien helfen und verpasste Chancen vermeiden. Bleiben Sie über den Feiertagsplan auf dem Laufenden und prüfen Sie, ob sich Änderungen oder Schließungen ergeben, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie beim Trading auf dem Laufenden bleiben.

Malaysia Stock Exchange (MYX) Feiertage 2024

Der Malaysia Stock Exchange (MYX), officially known as Bursa Malaysia, observes several holidays throughout the year. These holidays impact trading hours and market activity. Let’s take a closer look at the key holidays for 2024:

  1. Neujahr (Januar 1, 2024): The stock exchange is closed in observance of the New Year.
  2. Thaipusam (Januar 25, 2024): A Hindu festival celebrated in honor of Lord Murugan. The MYX remains closed on this day.
  3. Federal Territory Day (Februar 1, 2024): A public holiday specific to the federal territories of Malaysia.
  4. Chinese New Year (Februar 10-11, 2024): The MYX is closed during this festive period.
  5. Nuzul Al’Quran (Marsch 28, 2024): A holiday commemorating the revelation of the Quran. Trading is suspended on this day.
  6. Hari Raya Puasa (Eid-ul-Fitri) (April 10-11, 2024): The end of Ramadan is celebrated, and the MYX remains closed.
  7. Workers’ Day (Mai 1, 2024): A day to honor workers, und die Börse ist geschlossen.
  8. Wesak Day (Mai 22, 2024): A Buddhist festival, and the MYX observes a holiday.
  9. Harvest Festival (Labuan Only) (Mai 30-31, 2024): Celebrated in Labuan, an island territory, and trading is suspended.
  10. Yang Dipertuan Agong’s Birthday (Juni 3, 2024): The official birthday of the King of Malaysia, and the MYX remains closed.
  11. Hari Raya Haji (Eid-ul-Adha) (Juni 17, 2024): A significant Islamic holiday, and trading is halted.
  12. Awal Muharram (Maal Hijrah) (Juli 7, 2024): The Islamic New Year, and the MYX observes a holiday.
  13. Nationalfeiertag (August 31, 2024): Commemorating Malaysia’s independence, und die Börse ist geschlossen.
  14. Malaysia Day (September 16, 2024): Celebrating the formation of Malaysia, and the MYX remains closed.
  15. Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (September 16, 2024): A holiday honoring the Prophet Muhammad, and trading is suspended.
  16. Deepavali (Oktober 31, 2024): The Festival of Lights, and the MYX observes a holiday.
  17. Weihnachtstag (Dezember 25, 2024): The stock exchange is closed in celebration of Christmas.

Please note that when a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is observed as a holiday.

Zusätzlich, any overlapping public holidays on weekdays may result in the following day being observed as a holiday.

Stay informed about these holidays to plan your investment strategies accordingly.


Viel Spaß beim Handeln! 📈🌟


myx trading holidays in 2023
