
Market Holidays on SSE 2024

Montag Jan. 01, 2024 Neujahr
Montag Febr. 12, 2024 Chinese New Year
Dienstag Febr. 13, 2024 Chinese New Year Holiday
Mittwoch Febr. 14, 2024 Chinese New Year Holiday
Donnerstag Febr. 15, 2024 Chinese New Year Holiday
Freitag Febr. 16, 2024 Chinese New Year Holiday
Donnerstag Apr. 04, 2024 Qingming Festival
Freitag Apr. 05, 2024 Qingming Festival
Mittwoch Mai 01, 2024 Tag der Arbeit
Donnerstag Mai 02, 2024 Tag der Arbeit
Freitag Mai 03, 2024 Tag der Arbeit
Montag Jun 10, 2024 Dragon Boat Festival
Montag Sept 16, 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival
Dienstag Sept 17, 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival
Dienstag Okt 01, 2024 Nationalfeiertag
Mittwoch Okt 02, 2024 Nationalfeiertag
Donnerstag Okt 03, 2024 Nationalfeiertag
Freitag Okt 04, 2024 Nationalfeiertag
Montag Okt 07, 2024 Nationalfeiertag

Shanghai Stock Exchange SSE Holidays 2024


What investors need to know about holidays on SSE Exchange

The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) is one of the most significant stock exchanges in the world, serving as a vital platform for securities trading in China. Like any other stock exchange, the SSE observes specific holidays throughout the year when trading activities are suspended. These holidays provide participants with much-needed breaks, ermöglichen administrative Aufgaben, und den reibungslosen Ablauf der Börse sicherzustellen. This article aims to highlight the holidays observed by the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2024 und diskutieren Sie deren Auswirkungen auf Handel und Anleger.

SSE Holidays in 2024

The holidays observed by the Shanghai Stock Exchange have a direct impact on trading activities and investor engagement. On these non-trading days, the exchange is closed, and investors cannot buy or sell securities listed on the SSE. Consequently, Handelsvolumen und Liquidität nehmen in diesen Zeiträumen deutlich ab.

Für Händler und Investoren, it is essential to consider the holiday schedule of the SSE when planning their investment strategies and managing their portfolios. Die Kenntnis von Marktschließungen ermöglicht es Anlegern, ihre Handelsaktivitäten und den Zeitpunkt der Transaktionen entsprechend anzupassen. It is advisable to plan ahead and execute trades either before or after these holidays to avoid any potential disruptions.

Außerdem, Die Feiertage bieten Anlegern die Gelegenheit, ihre Anlageportfolios zu überprüfen, Analysieren Sie Markttrends, und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen. This self-reflection enables investors to adjust their strategies, rebalance their portfolios, and align their investments with their long-term goals.

Während der Ferienzeit, Für Anleger ist es wichtig, über globale Wirtschafts- und Finanznachrichten informiert zu bleiben, die sich bei der Wiedereröffnung auf den Markt auswirken könnten. Bedeutende Ereignisse oder Entwicklungen in diesem Zeitraum können die Anlegerstimmung beeinflussen und bei Wiederaufnahme des Handels Marktschwankungen auslösen.

A Guide to Swiss Stock Exchange (SECHS) Feiertage 2024

Nestled in the heart of Europe, the Swiss Stock Exchange (SECHS) stands as a beacon of stability and innovation in the global financial landscape. As investors navigate the intricacies of the Swiss market, understanding the trading calendar is paramount for strategic planning and decision-making. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the holidays observed by the Swiss Stock Exchange in 2024, shedding light on the dates when trading activities come to a pause.

Trading calendar of the Swiss Stock Exchange is essential for investors and traders seeking to navigate the Swiss market effectively. By familiarizing themselves with the SIX holidays for 2024, market participants can plan their strategies accordingly and anticipate periods of market closure. These holidays not only reflect Switzerland’s rich cultural and religious heritage but also underscore the country’s commitment to tradition, innovation, and economic stability. As participants engage with the Swiss Stock Exchange, they contribute to Switzerland’s position as a leading financial center in Europe and the world.

Shanghaier Börse (SSE) Feiertage 2024

Der Shanghaier Börse (SSE), a significant financial institution in China, observes several holidays throughout the year. These holidays impact trading schedules and provide investors with essential information for strategic planning. Let’s explore the key holidays for the SSE in 2024:

Official Holidays

  1. Neujahr: Dezember 30, 2023 (Samstag) – Januar 1, 2024 (Montag)
  1. Chinese New Year: Februar 9 (Freitag) – Februar 17 (Samstag), plus February 4 (Sonntag) and February 18 (Sonntag)
  1. Qingming Festival (also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day): April 4 (Donnerstag) – April 6 (Samstag), plus April 7 (Sonntag)
  1. Chinese Labor Day: Mai 1 (Mittwoch) – Mai 5 (Sonntag), plus April 28 (Sonntag) and May 11 (Samstag)
  1. Dragon Boat Festival: Juni 10 (Montag)
  1. Mid-Autumn Festival: September 15 (Sonntag) – September 17 (Dienstag), plus September 14 (Samstag)
  1. China National Day: Oktober 1 (Dienstag) – Oktober 7 (Montag), plus September 29 (Sonntag) and October 12 (Samstag)


Trading Schedule

The SSE is open for trading Monday through Friday, with the exception of public holidays and other closing days declared by the Exchange in advance. Here are the trading hours for various security types:

Security Type Opening Call Auction Continuous Auction Closing Call Auction Block Trading After-Hours Fixed-Price Trading
Stocks (Main Board) 9:15-9:25 9:30-11:30; 13:00-14:57 14:57-15:00 15:00-15:30
SSE STAR Market 9:15-9:25 9:30-11:30; 13:00-14:57 14:57-15:00 9:30-11:30; 13:00-15:30 15:05-15:30
Bonds 9:15-9:25 9:30-11:30; 13:00-14:57 15:00-15:30
Bonds Bilateral Repos 9:15-9:25 9:30-11:30; 13:00-14:57 15:00-15:30
Bonds Outright Repos 9:15-9:25 9:30-11:30; 13:00-14:57 15:00-15:30
Funds 9:15-9:25 9:30-11:30; 13:00-14:57 15:00-15:30
ETF Options 9:15-9:25 9:30-11:30; 13:00-14:57 14:57-15:00


Stay informed about the SSE’s holiday calendar to make informed investment decisions.


Viel Spaß beim Investieren!


sse trading holidays in 2023
