
Market Holidays on SSX 2024

  1. Neujahr – Januar 1, 2024 (Sonntag)
  2. Australia Day – Januar 26, 2024 (Donnerstag)
  3. Guter Freitag – April 19, 2024 (Freitag)
  4. Ostermontag – April 22, 2024 (Montag)
  5. Anzac Day – April 25, 2024 (Donnerstag)
  6. Queen’s Birthday – Juni 10, 2024 (Montag)
  7. Tag der Arbeit (NSW, ACT, SA) – Oktober 7, 2024 (Montag)
  8. Tag der Arbeit (VIC, TAS) – Oktober 28, 2024 (Montag)
  9. Weihnachtstag – Dezember 25, 2024 (Mittwoch)
  10. Boxtag – Dezember 26, 2024 (Donnerstag)

Sydney Stock Exchange SSX Holidays 2024


What investors need to know about holidays on SSX Exchange

The Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX) is a vital component of Australia’s financial system, facilitating the trading of securities and providing a platform for investors and companies to participate in the capital market. Like any stock exchange, the SSX observes certain holidays throughout the year when trading activities are suspended. These holidays allow participants to take a break, perform necessary administrative tasks, und den reibungslosen Ablauf der Börse sicherzustellen. This article aims to highlight the holidays observed by the Sydney Stock Exchange in 2024 und diskutieren Sie deren Auswirkungen auf Handel und Anleger.

Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX) Feiertage 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

The Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX) stands as a significant player in Australia’s financial ecosystem, Bereitstellung einer Plattform für den Handel mit verschiedenen Finanzinstrumenten. Understanding the holiday schedule of SSX for 2024 ist für Anleger von entscheidender Bedeutung, Händler, and businesses seeking to navigate the Australian market effectively.

Introduction to Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX)

Etabliert in 1901, the Sydney Stock Exchange has a rich history of facilitating capital formation and investment opportunities in Australia. While not as large as the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), SSX offers a diverse range of securities for trading, including equities, debt securities, and managed funds. SSX is committed to promoting transparency, integrity, and innovation in the financial markets.

Importance of SSX Holidays

SSX holidays mark days when trading activities on the exchange are suspended. Diese Feiertage, in der Regel auf nationaler Ebene ausgerichtet, religiös, oder kulturelle Bräuche, provide market participants with valuable time to rest and plan for the future. Understanding the SSX holiday schedule is essential for investors and traders to plan their trading strategies effectively, Risiken managen, und stellen Sie sicher, dass die gesetzlichen Anforderungen eingehalten werden.

Holiday schedule of the Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX) für 2024 is crucial for investors and traders looking to engage with the Australian market. Indem wir diese Feiertage und ihre Auswirkungen anerkennen, Marktteilnehmer können ihre Handelsaktivitäten effektiv planen, Risiken managen, und Chancen nutzen. Despite the trading breaks, SSX remains an integral part of Australia’s financial landscape, Investoren Zugang zu vielfältigen Anlagemöglichkeiten zu verschaffen und zum Wirtschaftswachstum des Landes beizutragen.

SSX Holidays in 2024

The holidays observed by the Sydney Stock Exchange have a direct impact on trading activities and investor engagement. On these non-trading days, the exchange is closed, and investors cannot buy or sell securities listed on the SSX. Infolge, Handelsvolumen und Liquidität nehmen in diesen Zeiträumen deutlich ab.

Für Händler und Investoren, it is crucial to consider the holiday schedule of the SSX while planning their investment strategies and managing their portfolios. They need to be aware of the days when the exchange will be closed to make informed decisions regarding their trading activities. It is advisable to plan ahead and execute trades either before or after these holidays to avoid any disruptions.

Darüber hinaus, Die Feiertage bieten Anlegern die Gelegenheit, ihre Anlageportfolios zu überprüfen, Analysieren Sie Markttrends, and adjust their strategies accordingly. This self-reflection allows investors to make informed decisions and realign their investment goals.

Während der Ferienzeit, it is also important for investors to stay updated on global economic and financial news that may impact the market upon reopening. Significant events or developments can influence investor sentiment and trigger market movements when trading resumes.

Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX) Feiertage 2024

Der Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX), located in the heart of Sydney, Australien, plays a pivotal role in the country’s financial landscape. Als Investoren und Händler, understanding the exchange’s holiday schedule is crucial for planning investment strategies. Let’s explore the key holidays for the SSX in 2024:

Official Holidays

  1. Neujahr (Januar 1, 2024): The SSX will be closed on New Year’s Day.
  2. Guter Freitag (April 1, 2024): The market remains closed on Good Friday.
  3. Ostermontag (April 2, 2024): The SSX observes Easter Monday as a holiday.
  4. Christi Himmelfahrt (Mai 9, 2024): A day to commemorate the ascension of Jesus Christ.
  5. Pentecost Monday (Mai 20, 2024): The market is closed on Pentecost Monday.
  6. National Holiday (August 1, 2024): Celebrating Australia’s national day.
  7. Weihnachtstag (Dezember 25, 2024): The SSX will be closed for Christmas.

Trading Schedule

Stay informed about the SSX’s holiday calendar to make informed investment decisions.


Viel Spaß beim Investieren! 📈


ssx trading holidays in 2023
