
Market Holidays on TFEX 2024

  1. Neujahr – Januar 1, 2024 (Sonntag)
  2. Makha Bucha Day – Februar 21, 2024 (Mittwoch)
  3. Chakri Memorial Day – April 6, 2024 (Samstag)
  4. Songkran Festival – April 13-15, 2024 (Friday to Sunday)
  5. Tag der Arbeit – Mai 1, 2024 (Mittwoch)
  6. Visakha Bucha Day – Mai 24, 2024 (Freitag)
  7. Asalha Bucha Day – Juli 12, 2024 (Freitag)
  8. Her Majesty the Queen’s Birthday – August 12, 2024 (Montag)
  9. Chulalongkorn Day – Oktober 23, 2024 (Mittwoch)
  10. Loy Krathong Day – November 16, 2024 (Samstag)
  11. King Bhumibol Memorial Day – Dezember 5, 2024 (Donnerstag)
  12. Constitution Day – Dezember 10, 2024 (Dienstag)
  13. Silvester – Dezember 31, 2024 (Dienstag)

Thailand Futures Exchange TFEX Holidays 2024


What investors need to know about holidays on TFEX Exchange

The Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) is an important financial institution in Thailand, providing a platform for trading various derivative products. As with any exchange, TFEX observes specific holidays throughout the year when trading activities are suspended. These holidays offer market participants a much-needed break, ermöglichen administrative Aufgaben, und den reibungslosen Ablauf der Börse sicherzustellen. This article aims to outline the holidays observed by the Thailand Futures Exchange in 2024 und diskutieren Sie deren Auswirkungen auf Handel und Anleger.

Auswirkungen auf Handel und Anleger

The holidays observed by the Thailand Futures Exchange have a direct impact on trading activities and investor engagement. An diesen handelsfreien Tagen, TFEX is closed, and investors cannot engage in trading derivative products listed on the exchange. Infolge, Handelsvolumen und Liquidität nehmen in diesen Zeiträumen deutlich ab.

Für Händler und Investoren, it is important to consider the holiday schedule of TFEX when planning investment strategies and managing portfolios. Die Kenntnis von Marktschließungen ermöglicht es Anlegern, ihre Handelsaktivitäten und den Zeitpunkt der Transaktionen entsprechend anzupassen. Es ist ratsam, im Voraus zu planen und Geschäfte entweder vor oder nach diesen Feiertagen auszuführen, um mögliche Störungen zu vermeiden.

Darüber hinaus, Die Feiertage bieten Anlegern die Gelegenheit, ihre Anlageportfolios zu überprüfen, Analysieren Sie Markttrends, und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen. Diese Reflexionsphase ermöglicht es Anlegern, ihre Strategien anzupassen, Portfolios neu ausbalancieren, und die Investitionen an ihren langfristigen Zielen auszurichten.

Während der Ferienzeit, it is essential for investors to stay informed about global economic and financial news that may impact the market upon reopening. Bedeutende Ereignisse oder Entwicklungen in diesem Zeitraum können die Anlegerstimmung beeinflussen und bei Wiederaufnahme des Handels Marktschwankungen auslösen.

TFEX Holidays in 2024

The Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) serves as a pivotal platform for trading futures and options contracts in Thailand. Understanding the holiday schedule of TFEX for 2024 is essential for investors, Händler, and businesses aiming to navigate the Thai derivatives market effectively.

Introduction to Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX)

Etabliert in 2004, the Thailand Futures Exchange is a subsidiary of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SATZ) and operates as the country’s primary derivatives exchange. TFEX offers a diverse range of derivative products, including futures and options contracts on various asset classes such as equities, Indizes, interest rates, and commodities. The exchange is committed to promoting liquidity, transparency, and innovation in the Thai derivatives market.

Importance of TFEX Holidays

TFEX holidays mark days when trading activities on the exchange are suspended. Diese Feiertage, in der Regel auf nationaler Ebene ausgerichtet, religiös, oder kulturelle Bräuche, Geben Sie den Marktteilnehmern wertvolle Zeit zum Innehalten, reflektieren, and plan for future trading activities. Understanding the TFEX holiday schedule is crucial for investors and traders to adjust their trading strategies, Risiken managen, und stellen Sie sicher, dass die gesetzlichen Anforderungen eingehalten werden.

Holiday schedule of the Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) für 2024 is crucial for investors and traders seeking to engage with the Thai derivatives market. Indem wir diese Feiertage und ihre Auswirkungen anerkennen, Marktteilnehmer können ihre Handelsaktivitäten effektiv planen, Risiken managen, und Chancen nutzen. TFEX remains an integral part of Thailand’s financial landscape, providing investors with access to diverse derivative products and contributing to the country’s economic growth. Stay informed about TFEX holidays to navigate the Thai derivatives market successfully.

Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) Feiertage 2024

Der Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX), a significant financial institution in Thailand, observes several holidays throughout the year. These holidays impact trading schedules and provide investors with essential information for strategic planning. Let’s explore the key holidays for TFEX in 2024:

Official Holidays

  1. New Year: TFEX will be closed on January 1, 2024, and resume trading on January 2, 2024.
  2. Chinese New Year: TFEX will be closed from February 10 Zu 12, 2024, in accordance with established rules. As February 10 Und 11 fall on Saturday and Sunday, Februar 13 Und 14 will be the compensatory days off.
  3. Peace Memorial Day: TFEX will be closed on February 28, 2024.
  4. Children’s Day and Tomb-Sweeping Day: TFEX will be closed from April 4 Zu 5, 2024, in accordance with established rules.
  5. Tag der Arbeit: TFEX will be closed on May 1, 2024.
  6. Dragon Boat Festival: TFEX will be closed on June 10, 2024.
  7. Mid-Autumn Festival: TFEX will be closed on September 17, 2024.
  8. Nationalfeiertag (Double Tenth Day): TFEX will be closed on October 10, 2024.

Remember that the market will be closed on weekends.

For clearing and settlement arrangements, please refer to the notice of the China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd


tfex trading holidays in 2023
