
Market Holidays on TISE 2024

  1. Neujahr – Januar 1, 2024 (Sonntag)
  2. Guter Freitag – April 19, 2024 (Freitag)
  3. Ostermontag – April 22, 2024 (Montag)
  4. Early May Bank Holiday – Mai 6, 2024 (Montag)
  5. Spring Bank Holiday – Mai 27, 2024 (Montag)
  6. Summer Bank Holiday – August 26, 2024 (Montag)
  7. Weihnachtstag – Dezember 25, 2024 (Mittwoch)
  8. Boxtag – Dezember 26, 2024 (Donnerstag)

The International Stock Exchange TISE Holidays 2024


TISE Holidays 2024

The International Stock Exchange (WEBEN), headquartered in the Channel Islands, serves as a leading global stock exchange, providing a platform for listing a wide range of securities, including equities, debt instruments, investment funds, and special purpose vehicles. Understanding the holiday schedule of TISE for 2024 is essential for investors, issuers, and market participants operating in the international financial markets.

Introduction to The International Stock Exchange (WEBEN)

Etabliert in 1998, TISE has grown to become a prominent stock exchange for listing securities from around the world. With a reputation for efficiency, flexibility, and responsiveness, TISE offers a supportive environment for companies seeking to raise capital and investors looking for diverse investment opportunities. TISE operates with a focus on innovation, integrity, and regulatory compliance, earning the trust of market participants globally.

Significance of TISE Holidays

TISE holidays mark days when trading activities on the exchange are suspended. Diese Feiertage, in der Regel auf nationaler Ebene ausgerichtet, kulturell, or religious observances in the Channel Islands, provide market participants with time to rest, reflektieren, und planen. Understanding the TISE holiday schedule is crucial for investors, as it allows them to adjust their trading strategies, Risiken managen, and comply with regulatory requirements across different jurisdictions.

Understanding the holiday schedule of The International Stock Exchange (WEBEN) für 2024 is essential for investors and market participants worldwide. By acknowledging these holidays, investors can effectively plan their trading activities, Risiken managen, und stellen Sie sicher, dass die gesetzlichen Anforderungen eingehalten werden. TISE continues to play a vital role in facilitating global capital flows, supporting companies in accessing international capital markets, and providing investors with opportunities for diversification and growth. Stay informed about TISE holidays to navigate the international financial markets successfully.

What investors need to know about holidays on TISE Exchange

The International Stock Exchange (WEBEN) is a leading stock exchange, offering a platform for trading various securities and investment products. Like other stock exchanges, TISE observes specific holidays throughout the year when trading activities are suspended. These holidays provide participants with essential breaks, ermöglichen administrative Aufgaben, und den reibungslosen Ablauf der Börse sicherzustellen. This article aims to outline the holidays observed by The International Stock Exchange in 2024 und diskutieren Sie deren Auswirkungen auf Handel und Anleger.

Auswirkungen auf Handel und Anleger

The holidays observed by The International Stock Exchange have a direct impact on trading activities and investor engagement. On these non-trading days, TISE is closed, und Anleger können an der Börse notierte Wertpapiere nicht kaufen oder verkaufen. Consequently, Handelsvolumen und Liquidität nehmen in diesen Zeiträumen deutlich ab.

Für Händler und Investoren, it is crucial to consider the holiday schedule of TISE when planning investment strategies and managing portfolios. Die Kenntnis von Marktschließungen ermöglicht es Anlegern, ihre Handelsaktivitäten und den Zeitpunkt der Transaktionen entsprechend anzupassen. It is advisable to plan ahead and execute trades either before or after these holidays to avoid any potential disruptions.

Darüber hinaus, Die Feiertage bieten Anlegern die Gelegenheit, ihre Anlageportfolios zu überprüfen, Analysieren Sie Markttrends, und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen. Diese Reflexionsphase ermöglicht es Anlegern, ihre Strategien anzupassen, Portfolios neu ausbalancieren, und die Investitionen an ihren langfristigen Zielen auszurichten.

Während der Ferienzeit, Für Anleger ist es wichtig, über globale Wirtschafts- und Finanznachrichten informiert zu bleiben, die sich bei der Wiedereröffnung auf den Markt auswirken könnten. Bedeutende Ereignisse oder Entwicklungen in diesem Zeitraum können die Anlegerstimmung beeinflussen und bei Wiederaufnahme des Handels Marktschwankungen auslösen.

The International Stock Exchange (WEBEN) Feiertage 2024

Der International Stock Exchange (WEBEN), a global exchange for listing securities, observes several holidays throughout the year. These holidays impact trading schedules and provide investors with essential information for strategic planning. Let’s explore the key holidays for TISE in 2024:

Official Holidays

  1. Neujahr: TISE will be closed on January 1, 2024, and resume trading on January 2, 2024.
  1. Guter Freitag: TISE will be closed on April 6, 2024, in observance of Good Friday.
  1. Ostermontag: The market will be closed on April 9, 2024, for Easter Monday.
  1. Early May Bank Holiday: TISE will be closed on May 6, 2024.
  1. Spring Bank Holiday: The market will be closed on May 27, 2024.
  1. Summer Bank Holiday: TISE will be closed on August 26, 2024.
  1. Weihnachtstag: The market will be closed on December 25, 2024.
  1. Boxtag: TISE will be closed on December 26, 2024.


Zusätzlich, TISE will close at 12:30 pm on the following days in 2024:

  • Dezember 24, 2024
  • Dezember 31, 2024


Stay informed about TISE’s holiday calendar to plan your investment strategies effectively.


Viel Spaß beim Investieren! 📈🌟


tise trading holidays in 2023
