
Trading Holidays on XETR

Freitag Apr. 07, 2023 Guter Freitag
Montag Apr. 10, 2023 Ostermontag
Montag Mai 01, 2023 Tag der Arbeit
Montag Dez 25, 2023 Weihnachtstag
Dienstag Dez 26, 2023 Boxtag

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Xetra Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on XETR Exchange

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Xetra Holidays 2023: Dates and Trading Schedule

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, operated by Deutsche Börse AG, is one of the largest stock exchanges in the world by market capitalization. Xetra is the electronic trading system used by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, allowing for quick and efficient trading of equities, Mittel, Fesseln, und andere Wertpapiere.

If you’re an investor or trader on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, it’s important to be aware of the exchange’s trading schedule and holidays. Here are the key dates and information for Xetra holidays in 2023:

Neujahr: Januar 1, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Guter Freitag: April 14, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Ostermontag: April 17, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Tag der Arbeit: Mai 1, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Christi Himmelfahrt: Mai 25, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Pfingstmontag: Juni 5, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Tag der Deutschen Einheit: Oktober 3, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Christmas Eve: Dezember 24, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Weihnachtstag: Dezember 25, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Boxtag: Dezember 26, 2023 – Xetra is closed
Silvester: Dezember 31, 2023 – Xetra is open, but with shortened trading hours

In addition to the above dates, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange may close unexpectedly due to unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters or technical issues. It’s important to stay informed of any updates or changes to the Xetra trading schedule throughout the year.

During regular trading hours, Xetra operates from 9:00 BIN zu 5:30 PM Central European Time (MEZ). Jedoch, on the last trading day of the year (Dezember 29, 2023), Xetra will close at 2:00 PM CET.

If you’re planning to trade on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 2023, it’s important to keep the holiday schedule in mind when making investment decisions. As always, it’s a good idea to consult with your financial advisor or broker to ensure that your trading strategy aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

xetr trading holidays in 2023
