
Trading Holidays on XMUN

Feiertage Date Tag
Neujahr Januar 2 Montag
Guter Freitag April 14 Freitag
Ostermontag April 17 Montag
Tag der Arbeit Mai 1 Montag
Christi Himmelfahrt Mai 25 Donnerstag
Pfingstmontag Juni 5 Montag
Leib Christi Juni 15 Donnerstag
Maria Himmelfahrt August 15 Dienstag
Tag der Deutschen Einheit Oktober 3 Dienstag
Alle Heiligen’ Tag November 1 Mittwoch
Weihnachtstag Dezember 25 Montag
Boxtag Dezember 26 Dienstag

Feiertage an der Börse München XMUN 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on XMUN Exchange

Börse München (XMON) Feiertage 2023: A Complete Guide

As the year 2023 Ansätze, it is essential for investors to be aware of the upcoming trading holidays on the Munich Stock Exchange (XMON). Trading holidays can have a significant impact on the stock market, as it can affect trading volumes, Liquidität, and volatility. daher, it is crucial to have a complete guide to help you navigate through the upcoming trading holidays on the XMUN.

Die Börse München (XMON) is a regional stock exchange located in the heart of Bavaria, Deutschland. The XMUN was founded in 1830, and it has a rich history of providing a platform for trading various securities, including equities, Fesseln, und börsengehandelte Fonds (ETFs). The XMUN has gained a reputation for its focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (KMU) and family-owned businesses.

In 2023, the XMUN will observe several trading holidays. The table below highlights the XMUN trading holidays in 2023:

Neujahr – Januar 2
Guter Freitag – April 14
Ostermontag – April 17
Tag der Arbeit – Mai 1
Christi Himmelfahrt – Mai 25
Pfingstmontag – Juni 5
Leib Christi – Juni 15
Maria Himmelfahrt – August 15
Tag der Deutschen Einheit – Oktober 3
Alle Heiligen’ Tag – November 1
Weihnachtstag – Dezember 25
Boxtag – Dezember 26

It is important to note that the XMUN is closed on weekends and public holidays. Trading on the XMUN typically follows the same holiday schedule as other stock exchanges in Germany, einschließlich der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra).

During trading holidays, investors cannot buy or sell securities on the XMUN, and trading volumes are typically lower than usual. Es empfiehlt sich, Ihre Handelsaktivitäten im Voraus zu planen, taking into account the trading holidays on the XMUN.

Abschließend, as an investor, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the trading holidays on the Munich Stock Exchange (XMON). This complete guide to the XMUN trading holidays in 2023 will help you plan your trading activities in advance, so you can make informed investment decisions.

Xmun-Handelsferien in 2023

Börse München


Freitag Apr. 07, 2023 Guter Freitag
Montag Apr. 10, 2023 Ostermontag
Montag Mai 01, 2023 Labor ay
Montag Dez 25, 2023 Weihnachtstag
Dienstag Dez 26, 2023 Boxtag