Бэй Стокс

Trading Holidays on BELEX

Понедельник Ян. 02, 2023 New Year Holiday
Вторник Ян. 03, 2023 New Year Holiday
Среда февраль. 15, 2023 Statehood day
Четверг февраль. 16, 2023 Statehood Day Holiday
Пятница апрель. 14, 2023 Православная Страстная пятница
Понедельник апрель. 17, 2023 Ортодоксальный пасхальный понедельник
Понедельник Может 01, 2023 May Day
Вторник Может 02, 2023 May Day Holiday

Belgrade Stock Exchange BELEX Holidays 2023

инсайдерский почтовый ящик

What investors need to know about holidays on BELEX Exchange

The Belgrade Stock Exchange (БЕЛЭКС) is the primary stock exchange in Serbia. It provides a platform for trading securities, включая акции, облигации, и другие финансовые инструменты. The exchange was founded in 1894 and has since played a significant role in the development of Serbia’s financial markets.

BELEX is open from Monday to Friday, with trading sessions from 10:00 являюсь. к 2:00 вечера. local time. The exchange is closed on weekends and public holidays. As with most stock exchanges, BELEX has a number of trading holidays throughout the year, which are important for investors to be aware of when planning their trading strategies.

В 2023, BELEX will observe a total of 13 trading holidays. These holidays are based on Serbian national holidays and other important events in the country. The following is a list of BELEX trading holidays for 2023:

  1. День нового года – январь 1, 2023
  2. Orthodox Christmas Day – январь 7, 2023
  3. Serbian Statehood Day – февраль 15, 2023
  4. International Women’s Day – Маршировать 8, 2023
  5. Хорошая пятница – апрель 14, 2023
  6. Пасхальный понедельник – апрель 17, 2023
  7. День Труда – Может 1, 2023
  8. День Победы – Может 9, 2023
  9. Serbia National Day – Июнь 28, 2023
  10. День перемирия – ноябрь 11, 2023
  11. Рождество – Декабрь 25, 2023
  12. Second Day of Christmas – Декабрь 26, 2023
  13. Канун Нового года – Декабрь 31, 2023

It is important to note that trading hours and days may be subject to change in response to market conditions or other factors. Как таковой, it is always advisable to check the BELEX website for the latest information on trading schedules and holidays.

In addition to its primary role as a securities exchange, BELEX also provides a range of other financial services, including clearing and settlement services, market data, and education and training programs. The exchange has a strong commitment to promoting financial literacy and investor education in Serbia, with a focus on empowering individual investors to make informed investment decisions.

В заключение, the Belgrade Stock Exchange is a key player in Serbia’s financial market, providing a platform for trading securities and a range of other financial services. Investors should be aware of the trading holidays observed by BELEX in 2023 при планировании своей инвестиционной стратегии.

belex trading holidays in 2023
