Бэй Стокс

Trading Holidays on BMV

Понедельник февраль. 06, 2023 Constitution Day
Понедельник Мар 20, 2023 Benito Juarez’s Birthday
Четверг апрель. 06, 2023 Holy Thursday
Пятница апрель. 07, 2023 Хорошая пятница
Понедельник Может 01, 2023 День Труда
Четверг ноябрь. 02, 2023 All Souls’ День
Понедельник ноябрь. 20, 2023 Revolution Day Memorial
Вторник декабрь 12, 2023 Virgin of Guadalupe
Понедельник декабрь 25, 2023 Рождество

Bolsa Mexicana de Valores BMV Holidays 2023

инсайдерский почтовый ящик

What investors need to know about holidays on BMV Exchange

The Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (БМВ) is the main stock exchange of Mexico, and it plays a vital role in the country’s economy. The BMV operates on a trading calendar, включая праздники, когда биржа закрыта. This article will provide you with a complete list of BMV holidays for the year 2023.

The BMV observes several holidays throughout the year, including national and regional holidays. The exchange remains closed on these days, and no trading activities take place. It’s essential to note that trading schedules and holidays can vary, so it’s always best to check with your broker or the exchange itself for specific information.

The following are the BMV holidays for 2023:

  1. День нового года – Воскресенье, январь 1
  2. Constitution Day – Пятница, февраль 3
  3. Birthday of Benito Juarez – Понедельник, Маршировать 20
  4. Maundy Thursday – Четверг, апрель 13
  5. Хорошая пятница – Пятница, апрель 14
  6. День Труда – Понедельник, Может 1
  7. День независимости – Пятница, Сентябрь 15
  8. Mexican Revolution Day – Четверг, ноябрь 16
  9. Рождество – Понедельник, Декабрь 25

It’s essential to note that the BMV will close early on some days before a holiday. These early closures are as follows:

  1. Holy Wednesday – Среда, апрель 12 (BMV closes at 1:00 PM)
  2. сочельник – Воскресенье, Декабрь 24 (BMV closes at 1:00 PM)
  3. New Year’s Eve – Воскресенье, Декабрь 31 (BMV closes at 1:00 PM)

Traders and investors need to keep these holidays in mind when planning their trades or investment activities. The BMV also suggests that traders and investors should be mindful of potential market volatility, which can occur around holidays.

В заключение, the BMV is an essential stock exchange for Mexico and the region. Как таковой, it observes several holidays throughout the year. It’s crucial to keep these holidays in mind when planning trades or investment activities to avoid any disruptions or unexpected market volatility. It’s also worth noting that trading schedules and holidays can vary, so it’s always best to check with your broker or the exchange itself for specific information.

bmv trading holidays in 2023
