Праздники бирж 2023
Страна | Обмен |
Аргентина | БЦБА |
Австралия | АСХ НСХА ССХ |
Австрия | ВСЕ |
Бахрейн | НПА |
Бангладеш | СSE ДСЕ |
Беларусь | БВФБ |
Bermuda | BSX |
Боливия | ББВ |
Каймановы острова | CSX |
Чили | БВС |
Китай | СШЭ СШЭ |
Колумбия | БВЦ |
Коста-Рика | БНВ |
Чешская Республика | XPRA |
Эквадор | БВГ |
Египет | EGX НИЛКС |
Франция | ЕВРОНЕКСТ |
Гана | Высшая школа экономики |
Гернси | Плетение |
Гонконг | Гонконгская биржа |
Исландия | XICE |
Индия | БФБ МСХ НШЭ |
Индонезия | IDX |
Ирландия | ТОГДА КАК |
Израиль | УРОВЕНЬ |
Италия | МТА |
Япония | JPX ТСЕ |
Казахстан | КФЭ |
Кувейт | XKUW |
Люксембург | ЛЮКССЕ |
Малайзия | МИКС |
Мальта | МШЭ |
Маврикий | КОТОРЫЙ |
Мексика | БМВ |
Черногория | МНС |
Марокко | До нашей эры |
Намибия | НСХ |
Новая Зеландия | NZX |
Норвегия | ИЛИ |
Оман | МСМ |
Пакистан | PSX |
Перу | БВЛ |
Филиппины | PSE |
Польша | ВФБ |
Катар | количественное смягчение |
Румыния | БВБ |
Россия | МОБИРЖА |
Руанда | РСБ |
Саудовская Аравия | ТАДАВУЛ |
Сербия | БЕЛЭКС |
Сингапур | СГХ |
Словения | XLVII |
Южная Африка | JSE |
Южная Корея | КОСДАК КРХ |
Испания | БМЕ |
Швеция | ОМХ XNGM XSAT |
Швейцария | ВХШЕСТЬ |
Таиланд | НАБОР ТФЕКС |
Турция | ЯВЛЯЮТСЯ |
Великобритания | ЦЕЛЬ ЛБМ Лондонская фондовая биржа |
Украина | ПФТС UX |
США | БЫВШИЙ НАСДАК Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа внебиржевой |
Венесуэла | БВКК |
Вьетнам | HNX ШЛАНГ |
Праздники фондового рынка 2023
Как инвесторы, understanding the operational schedule of the stock market is crucial for planning investment strategies and executing trades effectively. В 2023, like every year, the stock market observes several holidays, during which trading is suspended. These holidays not only impact trading activities but also have broader implications for market sentiment, liquidity, and investor behavior.
It’s important to note that these holidays may impact not only the stock exchanges but also banks and other financial institutions. As a result, trading volumes and liquidity may be lower than usual in the days leading up to and following these holidays.
Последствия праздников фондового рынка:
- Reduced Trading Activity: На выходных, trading volumes tend to be significantly lower than usual. Many investors take time off to observe these holidays, resulting in reduced liquidity and potentially higher volatility if any significant news or events occur during this period.
- Продленные выходные: Holidays that fall on a Friday or Monday often result in extended weekends for traders and investors. This can sometimes lead to what is known as a “long weekend effect,” where market participants may be more cautious leading up to the holiday, as they anticipate a longer break from trading.
- Global Impact: While these holidays primarily affect U.S. markets, they can also have implications for global markets, especially those with significant ties to the U.S. economy. Traders and investors around the world may adjust their strategies and positions in anticipation of market closures and reduced liquidity.
- Opportunities for Reflection and Planning: For individual investors, holidays provide an opportunity to step back, reflect on their investment goals and strategies, and plan for the future. It’s a time to review portfolios, reassess risk tolerance, and consider any adjustments that may be necessary in light of changing market conditions.
- Potential for Market Reactions: While the stock market is closed on holidays, other events can still impact market sentiment, such as geopolitical developments, economic data releases, or corporate news. As a result, investors should remain vigilant and prepared to react to any significant developments once trading resumes.
Stock market holidays play a significant role in shaping market dynamics and investor behavior. Understanding the holiday schedule and its implications can help investors navigate the markets more effectively and make informed decisions about their portfolios. By recognizing the potential impact of holidays on trading activity, liquidity, and market sentiment, investors can better prepare themselves to manage risks and seize opportunities in the ever-changing landscape of the financial markets.