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Market Holidays on IDX 2024

Понедельник Ян. 1, 2024 День нового года
Пятница февраль. 09, 2024 Chinese New Year Holiday
Понедельник Мар 11, 2024 Bali Hindu New Year
Вторник Мар 12, 2024 Bali Hindu New Year Holiday
Пятница Мар 29, 2024 Хорошая пятница
Среда апрель. 10, 2024 1st Day of Eid-ul-Fitar
Четверг апрель. 11, 2024 2nd Day of Eid-ul-Fitar
Пятница апрель. 12, 2024 Eid-ul-Fitar Holiday
Понедельник апрель. 15, 2024 Eid-ul-Fitar Holiday
Среда Может 01, 2024 International Worker’s Day
Четверг Может 09, 2024 Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
Пятница Может 10, 2024 Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
Четверг Может 23, 2024 Vesak Day
Пятница Может 24, 2024 Vesak Day Holiday
Суббота июнь 01, 2024 Pancasila Day
Понедельник июнь 17, 2024 Eid-al-Adha
Вторник июнь 18, 2024 Eid-al-Adha Holiday
Воскресенье июль 07, 2024 Мухаррам / Исламский Новый год
Суббота август. 17, 2024 День независимости
Воскресенье Сентябрь 15, 2024 Ascension of the Prophet
Среда декабрь 25, 2024 Рождество
Четверг декабрь 26, 2024 Christmas Day Holiday

Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX Holidays 2024

инсайдерский почтовый ящик

IDX Stock Exchange Holidays 2024

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) plays a crucial role in the country’s financial landscape. Как инвесторы и трейдеры, it’s essential to be aware of the exchange’s holiday schedule for effective planning and decision-making. Let’s dive into the key holidays for the IDX in 2024:

День нового года (январь 1)
The year kicks off with New Year’s Day, глобальный праздник. The IDX remains closed on this day.

Ascension of Prophet Muhammad (февраль 8)
A significant religious holiday, the Ascension of Prophet Muhammad, is observed on February 8. The stock exchange will be closed to mark this occasion.

Chinese New Year Holiday (февраль 9)
As the Chinese community celebrates the Lunar New Year, the IDX takes a break on February 9.

Saka New Year (Маршировать 11)
The Saka New Year, also known as Nyepi, is a Balinese Hindu celebration. The IDX observes this holiday on March 11.

Хорошая пятница (Маршировать 29)
Christian communities worldwide commemorate Good Friday. On this solemn day, the IDX remains closed.

Idul Fitri (апрель 8-9)
Idul Fitri, also called Eid al-Fitr, marks the end of Ramadan. The IDX closes on April 8 и 9 for this festive occasion.

день Труда (Может 1)
Labour Day is a global tribute to workers’ contributions. The IDX takes a break on May 1.

Ascension Day (Может 9)
Christian communities celebrate the Ascension of Jesus Christ on May 9. Биржа остается закрытой.

Waisak Day (Может 23)
Waisak Day, a Buddhist holiday, is observed on May 23. The IDX observes this day as a holiday.

Idhul Adha (Июнь 17)
Idhul Adha, also known as Eid al-Adha, commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son. The IDX closes on June 17.

День рождения Пророка Мухаммеда (Сентябрь 16)
The birthday of Prophet Muhammad is celebrated on September 16. The stock exchange remains closed on this day.

Рождество (Декабрь 25)
The year concludes with Christmas Day, a Christian holiday. The IDX takes a break on December 25.

Christmas Day Holiday (Декабрь 26)
The day after Christmas, Декабрь 26, is also a holiday for the IDX.

Remember to plan your trading activities around these holidays to ensure a smooth experience on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

Удачных инвестиций!

Unlocking Opportunities: Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Каникулы 2024

As a cornerstone of Indonesia’s financial infrastructure, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) serves as a vital hub for trading equities, облигации, и другие финансовые инструменты. Understanding the holiday schedule of IDX for 2024 is essential for investors, торговцы, and businesses aiming to navigate the Indonesian market effectively.

Overview of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

Основан в 1995, the Indonesia Stock Exchange has played a pivotal role in driving capital formation and fostering investment opportunities in Indonesia. It provides a platform for domestic and international investors to participate in the country’s economic growth and development. With its commitment to transparency, efficiency, and innovation, IDX continues to be a driving force in Indonesia’s financial sector.

Significance of IDX Holidays

IDX holidays mark days when trading activities on the exchange are suspended. Эти праздники, часто совпадают с национальными, религиозный, или культурные традиции, предоставить участникам рынка ценное время для паузы, отражать, и перезарядить. Understanding the IDX holiday schedule is crucial for investors and traders to plan their trading strategies effectively, управлять рисками, и обеспечить соблюдение нормативных требований.

Understanding the holiday schedule of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) для 2024 is crucial for investors and traders looking to engage with the Indonesian market. Признавая эти праздники и их последствия, участники рынка могут эффективно планировать свою торговую деятельность, управлять рисками, и воспользоваться возможностями. IDX remains a vital institution in Indonesia’s economic development, предоставление инвесторам надежной платформы для инвестиций и роста. Staying informed about IDX holidays is integral to navigating the Indonesian market successfully.

What investors need to know about holidays on IDX Exchange

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is the primary stock exchange in Indonesia, providing a platform for companies to raise capital and for investors to trade stocks. Like all stock exchanges, IDX observes certain holidays throughout the year. It’s important for investors and traders to be aware of these holidays to plan their trading strategies and schedules accordingly.

Важно отметить, что если какой-либо из вышеуказанных праздников выпадает на субботу, рынок будет закрыт в предыдущую пятницу. Если праздник выпадает на воскресенье, рынок будет закрыт в следующий понедельник.


While the above dates are the official IDX holidays, биржа также может закрыться из-за непредвиденных событий, например, стихийные бедствия или чрезвычайные ситуации в области общественного здравоохранения.. Investors and traders should always stay updated on any announcements from IDX regarding changes to its trading schedule.

IDX holidays for 2024 is crucial for investors and traders to plan their trading activities accordingly. By staying aware of the market’s schedule, investors can avoid missing out on important opportunities or unexpected events.

idx trading holidays in 2023
