Бэй Стокс

Market Holidays on TSE 2024

  1. День нового года – январь 1, 2024 (Воскресенье)
  2. День совершеннолетия – январь 8, 2024 (Понедельник)
  3. Национальный день основания – февраль 11, 2024 (Воскресенье)
  4. Vernal Equinox Day – Маршировать 20, 2024 (Среда)
  5. День Сёва – апрель 29, 2024 (Воскресенье)
  6. День памяти Конституции – Может 3, 2024 (Пятница)
  7. День зелени – Может 4, 2024 (Суббота)
  8. День детей – Может 5, 2024 (Воскресенье)
  9. День моря – Июль 15, 2024 (Понедельник)
  10. День уважения к пожилым людям – Сентябрь 16, 2024 (Понедельник)
  11. Autumnal Equinox Day – Сентябрь 23, 2024 (Понедельник)
  12. День здоровья и спорта – Октябрь 14, 2024 (Понедельник)
  13. День культуры – ноябрь 3, 2024 (Воскресенье)
  14. Labour Thanksgiving Day – ноябрь 23, 2024 (Суббота)
  15. День Рождения Императора – Декабрь 23, 2024 (Понедельник)

Tokyo Stock Exchange TSE Holidays 2024

инсайдерский почтовый ящик

Токийская фондовая биржа (ТСЕ) Каникулы 2024

The Tokyo Stock Exchange (ТСЕ) stands as a cornerstone of Japan’s financial system, serving as a primary venue for trading equities, облигации, и другие финансовые инструменты. Understanding the holiday schedule of TSE for 2024 is essential for investors, торговцы, and businesses looking to navigate the Japanese market effectively.

Introduction to Tokyo Stock Exchange (ТСЕ)

Основан в 1878, the Tokyo Stock Exchange is one of the largest and oldest stock exchanges globally, boasting a rich history of facilitating capital formation and investment opportunities in Japan. TSE plays a pivotal role in Japan’s economic development, providing a transparent and efficient marketplace for companies to raise capital and investors to trade securities. The exchange is renowned for its robust regulatory framework, technological innovation, и приверженность целостности рынка.

Significance of TSE Holidays

TSE holidays mark days when trading activities on the exchange are suspended. Эти праздники, обычно соответствуют национальным, культурный, or religious observances in Japan, provide market participants with valuable time to rest, отражать, and plan. Understanding the TSE holiday schedule is crucial for investors and traders to adjust their trading strategies, управлять рисками, и обеспечить соблюдение нормативных требований.

TSE Holidays 2024

Holiday schedule of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (ТСЕ) для 2024 имеет решающее значение для инвесторов и трейдеров, стремящихся выйти на японский рынок. By acknowledging these holidays and their implications, участники рынка могут эффективно планировать свою торговую деятельность, управлять рисками, and capitalize on opportunities. TSE remains a vital institution in Japan’s financial landscape, providing investors with access to diverse investment opportunities and contributing to the country’s economic growth. Stay informed about TSE holidays to navigate the Japanese market successfully.

What investors need to know about holidays on TSE Exchange

Токийская фондовая биржа (ТСЕ) is one of the largest and most prominent stock exchanges in the world. Как и на любой бирже, TSE observes specific holidays throughout the year when trading activities are suspended. These holidays provide market participants with necessary breaks, facilitate administrative tasks, and ensure the smooth operation of the exchange. This article aims to outline the holidays observed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2024 and discuss their impact on trading and investors.

The holidays observed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange directly affect trading activities and investor engagement. During these non-trading days, TSE is closed, and investors cannot buy or sell securities listed on the exchange. Consequently, trading volumes and liquidity experience a significant decline during these periods.

Для трейдеров и инвесторов, it is crucial to consider the holiday schedule of TSE when planning investment strategies and managing portfolios. Being aware of market closures allows investors to adjust their trading activities and timing of transactions accordingly. It is advisable to plan ahead and execute trades either before or after these holidays to avoid potential disruptions.

During the holiday season, it is important for investors to stay informed about global economic and financial news that may impact the market upon reopening. Significant events or developments during this period can influence investor sentiment and trigger market fluctuations when trading resumes.

Токийская фондовая биржа (ТСЕ) Каникулы 2024

  1. День нового года (Shogatsu) 🎉
    • Date: январь 1, 2024 (Воскресенье)
    • The TSE remains closed on New Year’s Day, allowing market participants to celebrate the arrival of the new year.
  2. Рыночный праздник (Gantan) 🌟
    • Date: январь 2, 2024 (Понедельник)
    • A continuation of the New Year festivities, the market remains closed on this day.
  3. Рыночный праздник (Gantan) 🌟
    • Date: январь 3, 2024 (Вторник)
    • The holiday spirit lingers, and the TSE takes another day off.
  4. День совершеннолетия (Seijin no Hi) 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓
    • Date: январь 8, 2024 (Понедельник)
    • Celebrating young adults who turn 20, this holiday marks a significant milestone in Japanese culture.
  5. Национальный день основания (Kenkoku Kinen no Hi) 🏛️
    • Date: февраль 11, 2024 (Воскресенье)
    • Observed to honor the establishment of Japan’s first imperial dynasty, the TSE remains closed.
  6. Национальный день основания (Kenkoku Kinen no Hi) 🏛️
    • Date: февраль 12, 2024 (Понедельник, observed)
    • The holiday is observed on the following Monday.
  7. День Рождения Императора (Tenno Tanjobi) 🎂
    • Date: февраль 23, 2024 (Пятница)
    • A day to celebrate Emperor Naruhito’s birthday, the TSE takes a break.
  8. Весеннее равноденствие (Shunbun no Hi) 🌸
    • Date: Маршировать 20, 2024 (Среда)
    • Marking the arrival of spring, this holiday allows traders to enjoy the blossoming season.
  9. День Сёва (formerly Greenery Day) 🌿
    • Date: апрель 29, 2024 (Понедельник)
    • A day to reflect on Japan’s Showa era, the TSE remains closed.
  10. День памяти Конституции (Kenpo Kinenbi) 📜
    • Date: Может 3, 2024 (Пятница)
    • Honoring Japan’s post-war constitution, the market takes a pause.
  11. День зелени (Midori no Hi) 🌳
    • Date: Может 4, 2024 (Суббота)
    • Celebrating nature and the environment, the TSE observes this day.
  12. День детей (Kodomo no Hi) 🎏
    • Date: Может 5, 2024 (Воскресенье)
    • A joyful day for children, the market remains closed.
  13. День детей (Kodomo no Hi) 🎏
    • Date: Может 6, 2024 (Понедельник, observed)
    • The holiday is observed on the following Monday.
  14. День моря (Umi no Hi)
    • Date: Июль 15, 2024 (Понедельник)
    • A day to appreciate the ocean and maritime heritage.
  15. День гор (Yama no Hi) ⛰️
    • Date: Август 11, 2024 (Воскресенье)
    • Celebrating Japan’s mountains and natural beauty.
  16. День гор (Yama no Hi) ⛰️
    • Date: Август 12, 2024 (Понедельник, observed)
    • The holiday is observed on the following Monday.
  17. День уважения к пожилым людям (Keiro no Hi) 👵👴
    • Date: Сентябрь 16, 2024 (Понедельник)
    • Honoring senior citizens, the TSE takes a break.
  18. Осеннее равноденствие (Shubun no Hi) 🍂
    • Date: Сентябрь 22, 2024 (Воскресенье)
    • A day to welcome autumn, the market remains closed.
  19. Осеннее равноденствие (Shubun no Hi) 🍂
    • Date: Сентябрь 23, 2024 (Понедельник, observed)
    • The holiday is observed on the following Monday.
  20. Спортивный день (Taiiku no Hi) 🏆
    1. День здоровья и спорта (Taiiku no Hi) 🏋️‍♂️

      • Date: Октябрь 14, 2024 (Понедельник)
      • A day to promote health and physical fitness.
    2. День культуры (Bunka no Hi) 🎭
      • Date: ноябрь 3, 2024 (Воскресенье)
      • Celebrating culture, the TSE remains closed.
    3. День культуры (Bunka no Hi) 🎭
      • Date: ноябрь 4, 2024 (Понедельник, observed)
      • The holiday is observed on the following Monday.
    4. День благодарения труда (Kinro Kansha no Hi) 🙌
      • Date: ноябрь 23, 2024 (Суббота)
      • A day to express gratitude for labor and productivity.
    5. Рыночный праздник (Gantan) 🌟

      • Date: Декабрь 31, 2024 (Вторник)
      • The year ends with a market holiday.

    Remember that these holidays impact trading schedules, so investors and traders should plan their activities accordingly. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, understanding the TSE holiday calendar is essential for successful financial planning.

    Удачных инвестиций! 📈🌟


tse trading holidays in 2023
