Бэй Стокс

Market Holidays on XDUS 2024

  1. День нового года – январь 1, 2024 (Воскресенье)
  2. Хорошая пятница – апрель 19, 2024 (Пятница)
  3. Пасхальный понедельник – апрель 22, 2024 (Понедельник)
  4. день Труда – Может 1, 2024 (Среда)
  5. Ascension Day – Может 30, 2024 (Четверг)
  6. Whit Monday – Июнь 10, 2024 (Понедельник)
  7. German Unity Day – Октябрь 3, 2024 (Четверг)
  8. Рождество – Декабрь 25, 2024 (Среда)
  9. День подарков – Декабрь 26, 2024 (Четверг)

Dusseldorf Stock Exchange XDUS Holidays 2024

инсайдерский почтовый ящик

XDUS Holidays 2024

The Dusseldorf Stock Exchange (XDUS) holds a pivotal position in Germany’s financial landscape, providing a platform for trading equities, облигации, и другие ценные бумаги. Understanding the holiday schedule of XDUS for 2024 имеет решающее значение для инвесторов, торговцы, and businesses aiming to navigate the German market effectively.

Introduction to Dusseldorf Stock Exchange (XDUS)

Основан в 1875, the Dusseldorf Stock Exchange has played a vital role in fostering capital formation and investment opportunities in Germany. XDUS operates as one of the leading regional exchanges in the country, serving investors and companies across various industries. With a commitment to transparency, efficiency, and innovation, XDUS continues to contribute significantly to the development of Germany’s financial markets.

Significance of XDUS Holidays

XDUS holidays mark days when trading activities on the exchange are suspended. Эти праздники, обычно соответствуют национальным, regional, or cultural observances in Germany, provide market participants with valuable time to rest, отражать, and plan. Understanding the XDUS holiday schedule is essential for investors and traders to adjust their trading strategies, управлять рисками, и обеспечить соблюдение нормативных требований.

Holiday schedule of the Dusseldorf Stock Exchange (XDUS) для 2024 is crucial for investors and traders seeking to engage with the German market. By acknowledging these holidays and their implications, участники рынка могут эффективно планировать свою торговую деятельность, управлять рисками, and capitalize on opportunities. XDUS remains an integral part of Germany’s financial infrastructure, providing investors with access to diverse investment opportunities and contributing to the country’s economic growth.

What investors need to know about holidays on XDUS Exchange

The Düsseldorf Stock Exchange, also known as XDUS, is one of the most important stock exchanges in Germany. It is located in the city of Düsseldorf and is part of Börse Düsseldorf AG. The exchange is open from Monday to Friday and closed on weekends and certain public holidays. As we approach 2024, it is important to note the XDUS holidays for the coming year.

On these days, the XDUS will be closed for trading. It is important to note that the XDUS may also have reduced opening hours on certain days around these holidays. It is therefore recommended to check the exchange’s official website for further details.

These holidays can have a significant impact on the stock market as they can lead to lower trading volumes and increased volatility. During the Christmas and New Year holidays, например, many traders and investors take time off work and go on vacation, resulting in lower trading volumes and potentially more volatile markets.

It should also be noted that public holidays in other parts of the world can have an impact on the XDUS, as many stocks listed on the exchange are multinational companies operating in different time zones. Например, public holidays in the United States or Asia may affect the trading activity of companies listed on the XDUS.

XDUS holidays for 2024 are an important consideration for traders and investors operating on the Düsseldorf Stock Exchange. These holidays can have a significant impact on trading volumes and market volatility and it is important to be aware and plan accordingly. It is recommended to check the official XDUS website for any updates or changes to trading hours around these holidays.

Dusseldorf Stock Exchange Holidays 2024

The Dusseldorf Stock Exchange (Börse Düsseldorf), located in Germany, отмечает несколько праздников в течение года. These holidays impact trading schedules and provide investors and traders with well-deserved breaks. Let’s explore the XDUS holiday calendar for 2024:

  1. День нового года (Neujahrstag) 🎉
    • Date: январь 1, 2024 (Воскресенье)
    • The XDUS remains closed on New Year’s Day.
  2. Хорошая пятница (Karfreitag) 🌟
    • Date: Маршировать 29, 2024 (Пятница)
    • A day of reflection, the market takes a break.
  3. Пасхальный понедельник (Ostermontag) 🐣
    • Date: апрель 1, 2024 (Понедельник)
    • Following Easter Sunday, the XDUS remains closed.
  4. день Труда (Tag der Arbeit) 👷‍♀️👷‍♂️
    • Date: Может 1, 2024 (Среда)
    • Recognizing the contributions of workers, the market takes a pause.
  5. сочельник (Heiliger Abend) 🎄
    • Date: Декабрь 24, 2024 (Вторник)
    • The holiday spirit fills the air, and trading is suspended.
  6. Рождество (Weihnachtstag) 🎅
    • Date: Декабрь 25, 2024 (Среда)
    • A festive day, the XDUS remains closed.
  7. День подарков (Stefanitag) 🎁
    • Date: Декабрь 26, 2024 (Четверг)
    • The holiday celebrations continue, and the exchange takes a break.
  8. New Year’s Eve (Silvester) 🎇
    • Date: Декабрь 31, 2024 (Вторник)
    • The year concludes with a market holiday.

Lastly, year-end trading for 2024 occurs on December 30, with trading hours from 8:00 к 14:00 CET.

Remember to plan your investment activities accordingly, considering these holidays. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newcomer, understanding the XDUS holiday schedule is crucial for effective financial planning.


Удачной торговли!


xdus trading holidays in 2023

Börse Düsseldorf