Бэй Стокс

Market Holidays on XNGM 2024

  1. День нового года – январь 1, 2024 (Воскресенье)
  2. Хорошая пятница – апрель 19, 2024 (Пятница)
  3. Пасхальный понедельник – апрель 22, 2024 (Понедельник)
  4. день Труда – Может 1, 2024 (Среда)
  5. Ascension Day – Может 30, 2024 (Четверг)
  6. Whit Monday – Июнь 10, 2024 (Понедельник)
  7. Midsummer Eve – Июнь 21, 2024 (Пятница)
  8. Midsummer Day – Июнь 22, 2024 (Суббота)
  9. Рождество – Декабрь 25, 2024 (Среда)
  10. День подарков – Декабрь 26, 2024 (Четверг)

Nordic Growth Market Sweden XNGM Holidays 2024

инсайдерский почтовый ящик

Navigating Nordic Growth Market (XNGM) Каникулы 2024

Растущий рынок Северных стран (XNGM) is a prominent stock exchange focusing on smaller and growing companies in the Nordic region. Understanding the holiday schedule of XNGM for 2024 is essential for investors, торговцы, and businesses operating within the Nordic market.

Introduction to Nordic Growth Market (XNGM)

Основан в 1984, the Nordic Growth Market provides a platform for trading in various financial instruments, включая акции, облигации, и производные. XNGM caters primarily to smaller and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking access to capital markets for growth and expansion. The exchange promotes transparency, efficiency, and liquidity, facilitating capital formation and investment opportunities in the Nordic countries.

Significance of XNGM Holidays

XNGM holidays mark days when trading activities on the exchange are suspended. Эти праздники, обычно соответствуют национальным, культурный, or religious observances in the Nordic countries, provide market participants with valuable time to rest, отражать, and plan. Understanding the XNGM holiday schedule is crucial for investors and traders to adjust their trading strategies, управлять рисками, и обеспечить соблюдение нормативных требований.

What investors need to know about vacations on the XNGM exchange

The Nordic Growth Market Sweden, also known as XNGM, is a leading stock exchange based in Stockholm, Швеция. The exchange is known for focusing on small to mid-sized growth companies, and it provides a platform for these companies to raise capital and grow their businesses. As we approach 2024, it is important to note the XNGM holidays for the coming year.

On these days, the XNGM will be closed for trading. It is important to note that the XNGM may also have reduced opening hours on certain days around these holidays. It is therefore recommended to check the official website of the exchange for more details.

These holidays can have a significant impact on the stock market as they can lead to lower trading volumes and higher volatility. Например, during the Christmas and New Year holidays, many traders and investors take time off work and go on vacation, resulting in lower trading volume and potentially more volatile markets.

It is also important to note that public holidays in other parts of the world can affect the XNGM, as many listed stocks are multinational companies that operate in different time zones. Например, public holidays in the United States or Asia may affect the trading activity of companies listed on the XNGM.

The XNGM holidays for 2024 are an important factor for traders and investors active on the Nordic Growth Market Sweden. These holidays can have a significant impact on trading volumes and market volatility and it is important to be aware and plan accordingly. It is recommended to check the XNGM’s official website for any updates or changes to trading hours related to these holidays.

Nordic Growth Market Holidays 2024

The Nordic Growth Market (XNGM), a prominent stock exchange, соблюдает определенные праздники и часы торговли в течение года. Как инвесторы и трейдеры, it’s essential to be aware of these dates to plan your investment strategies effectively. Let’s delve into the XNGM holidays for 2024:

Regular Trading Days

On normal trading days, XNGM operates according to Central European Time (CET). Here are the standard trading hours for various market segments:

Equity Markets

Debt Securities

NDX and Investment Products MTF

Half Trading Days XNGM

On half trading days, XNGM operates with adjusted hours. Here’s the schedule:

Equity and ETP Markets

Debt Securities

NDX and Investment Products MTF

Mark Your Calendar

As you plan your investment activities, keep these dates in mind. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newcomer, understanding the XNGM trading schedule ensures you make informed decisions.

For more details, visit the official Nordic Growth Market Веб-сайт.


Удачных инвестиций! 📈🌟


xngm trading holidays in 2023
