
Trading Holidays on KASE

日期 假期
周一 扬. 02, 2023 新年假期
周二 扬. 03, 2023 新年假期
周三 三月 08, 2023 International Women’s Day
周二 三月 21, 2023 Nauryz holiday
周三 三月 22, 2023 Nauryz holiday
周四 三月 23, 2023 Nauryz holiday
周一 可能 01, 2023 Kazakhstan’s People Solidarity Holiday
周一 可能 08, 2023 Defendersday
周二 可能 09, 2023 胜利日
周三 君 28, 2023 开斋节
周四 七月 06, 2023 Capital Day
周三 八月. 30, 2023 Constitution Day of the RK
周三 十月 25, 2023 共和国日
周一 十二月 18, 2023 独立日

Kazakhstan Stock Exchange KASE Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on KASE Exchange

Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (加色) is the primary stock exchange in Kazakhstan, providing a platform for trading various financial instruments. As with all stock exchanges, KASE observes specific holidays throughout the year when the exchange is closed. It is crucial for traders and investors to be aware of these holidays to plan their trading activities and schedules accordingly.

Here is a list of KASE holidays for the year 2023:

  1. 元旦: 星期日, 一月 1, 2023 市场将于周一休市, 一月 2, 2023, 代替元旦.
  2. 祖国保卫者日: 周三, 二月 22, 2023 The market will be closed on Wednesday, 二月 22, 2023, for Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  3. 国际妇女节: 周三, 行进 8, 2023 The market will be closed on Wednesday, 行进 8, 2023, for International Women’s Day.
  4. Nauryz Meyrami (Holiday of Spring Equinox): 周一, 行进 20, 2023 市场将于周一休市, 行进 20, 2023, for Nauryz Meyrami.
  5. 团结日: 星期五, 可能 5, 2023 周五市场休市, 可能 5, 2023, for Unity Day.
  6. 胜利日: 周二, 可能 9, 2023 市场将于周二休市, 可能 9, 2023, for Victory Day.
  7. Capital City Day: 周四, 六月 1, 2023 The market will be closed on Thursday, 六月 1, 2023, for Capital City Day.
  8. Astana Day: 周三, 七月 6, 2023 The market will be closed on Wednesday, 七月 6, 2023, for Astana Day.
  9. Kurban Ait: 星期五, 九月 1, 2023 周五市场休市, 九月 1, 2023, for Kurban Ait.
  10. 宪法日: 周二, 八月 30, 2023 市场将于周二休市, 八月 30, 2023, for Constitution Day.
  11. Day of the First President: 周四, 十二月 1, 2023 The market will be closed on Thursday, 十二月 1, 2023, for Day of the First President.
  12. 独立日: 周六, 十二月 16, 2023 市场将于周一休市, 十二月 18, 2023, in lieu of Independence Day.

It is essential to note that if any of the above holidays fall on a weekend, 市场将于下一个工作日休市. 此外, KASE may close unexpectedly for events like natural disasters or public health emergencies, and traders and investors should stay updated on any announcements from KASE regarding changes to its trading schedule.

综上所述, understanding the KASE holiday schedule for the year 2023 可以帮助交易者和投资者计划他们的交易活动并相应安排. By keeping track of the KASE holidays, 交易者可以避免错失交易机会并规划自己的投资策略.

kase trading holidays in 2023
