
Trading Holidays on SEM

日期 假期
周一 扬. 02, 2023 Day After New Year
周二 扬. 03, 2023 Day After New Year
周三 二月. 01, 2023 Abolition of Slavery
周六 四月. 22, 2023 Ugaadi
周一 可能 01, 2023 劳动节
周三 九月 20, 2023 加内什·查图蒂
周三 十一月. 01, 2023 诸圣日
周四 十一月. 02, 2023 Arrival of indentured Labourers
星期日 十二月 24, 2023 圣诞节前夕
周一 十二月 25, 2023 圣诞节

Stock Exchange of Mauritius SEM Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on SEM Exchange

The Stock Exchange of Mauritius (哪个) is an important financial institution that plays a pivotal role in the country’s economy. 与任何证券交易所一样, the SEM observes certain holidays during which trading activities are suspended. 这些假期让市场参与者休息一下, while also providing time for crucial administrative tasks and maintenance. This article aims to highlight the holidays observed by the SEM in 2023 并讨论它们对交易和投资者的影响.

SEM Holidays in 2023

The Stock Exchange of Mauritius has a predefined schedule for observing holidays. 在 2023, the SEM will be closed on the following days:

  1. 元旦: 1月2日, 2023 (observed as a public holiday)
  2. Thaipoosam Cavadee: January 19th, 2023 (religious holiday)
  3. Abolition of Slavery: 2月1日, 2023 (公众假期)
  4. 摩诃湿婆夜: February 14th, 2023 (religious holiday)
  5. 国庆日: March 12th, 2023 (公众假期)
  6. Ougadi: April 2nd, 2023 (religious holiday)
  7. 劳动节: 5月1日, 2023 (公众假期)
  8. Arrival of Indentured Labourers: November 2nd, 2023 (公众假期)
  9. 排灯节: November 11th, 2023 (religious holiday)
  10. 圣诞节: 12月25日, 2023 (公众假期)


The holidays observed by the SEM have a direct impact on trading activities and investorsengagement. 在这些非交易日, 证券交易所关闭, meaning that investors cannot buy or sell shares, 债券, or other financial instruments listed on the SEM. 最后, trading volumes and liquidity are significantly reduced during these periods.

对于交易者和投资者, it is crucial to plan their investment strategies and adjust their portfolios accordingly, taking into consideration the days when the SEM will be closed. They need to consider the potential impact of market closures on the timing of their transactions and make arrangements in advance to ensure their financial objectives are met.

此外, the holidays provide an opportunity for investors to reflect on their investment performance and assess the market trends. They can review their investment portfolios, analyze market data, and refine their strategies to align with their long-term goals.

假期期间, it is also important for investors to stay informed about global economic and financial news that may impact the market upon reopening. Significant developments in international markets can influence investor sentiment and trigger fluctuations in stock prices when trading resumes.

sem trading holidays in 2023
