
Trading Holidays on SSX

日期 假期
周一 扬. 02, 2023 元旦假期
周二 扬. 03, 2023 市场假期
周三 扬. 04, 2023 市场假期
周四 扬. 05, 2023 市场假期
星期五 扬. 06, 2023 市场假期
周四 扬. 26, 2023 Australia Day
星期五 四月. 07, 2023 耶稣受难日
周一 四月. 10, 2023 复活节星期一
周二 四月. 25, 2023 澳新军团日
周一 君 12, 2023 女王生日 (Most region)
星期五 十二月 22, 2023 圣诞节前夕
周一 十二月 25, 2023 圣诞节
周二 十二月 26, 2023 节礼日
星期五 十二月 29, 2023 New Year’s Day Eve

Sydney Stock Exchange SSX Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on SSX Exchange

The Sydney Stock Exchange (SSX) is a vital component of Australia’s financial system, facilitating the trading of securities and providing a platform for investors and companies to participate in the capital market. Like any stock exchange, the SSX observes certain holidays throughout the year when trading activities are suspended. These holidays allow participants to take a break, perform necessary administrative tasks, 并保证交易所的顺利运行. This article aims to highlight the holidays observed by the Sydney Stock Exchange in 2023 并讨论它们对交易和投资者的影响.

SSX Holidays in 2023

The Sydney Stock Exchange adheres to a predetermined schedule of holidays. 在 2023, the SSX will be closed on the following days:

  1. 元旦: 1月2日, 2023 (observed as a public holiday).
  2. Australia Day: January 26th, 2023 (公众假期).
  3. 耶稣受难日: April 7th, 2023 (公众假期).
  4. 复活节星期一: April 10th, 2023 (公众假期).
  5. 澳新军团日: April 25th, 2023 (公众假期).
  6. 女王生日: 6月12日, 2023 (公众假期).
  7. 银行假期: August 7th, 2023 (公众假期).
  8. 劳动节: October 2nd, 2023 (公众假期).
  9. 圣诞节: 12月25日, 2023 (公众假期).
  10. 节礼日: 12月26日, 2023 (公众假期).


The holidays observed by the Sydney Stock Exchange have a direct impact on trading activities and investor engagement. 在这些非交易日, 交易所已关闭, and investors cannot buy or sell securities listed on the SSX. 因此, 在此期间,交易量和流动性大幅下降.

对于交易者和投资者, it is crucial to consider the holiday schedule of the SSX while planning their investment strategies and managing their portfolios. They need to be aware of the days when the exchange will be closed to make informed decisions regarding their trading activities. It is advisable to plan ahead and execute trades either before or after these holidays to avoid any disruptions.

而且, 假期为投资者提供了审查其投资组合的机会, 分析市场趋势, and adjust their strategies accordingly. This self-reflection allows investors to make informed decisions and realign their investment goals.

假期期间, it is also important for investors to stay updated on global economic and financial news that may impact the market upon reopening. Significant events or developments can influence investor sentiment and trigger market movements when trading resumes.

ssx trading holidays in 2023
