
Trading Holidays on SZSE

日期 假期
周一 扬. 02, 2023 元旦假期
周一 扬. 23, 2023 Spring Festival Holiday
周二 扬. 24, 2023 Spring Festival Holiday
周三 扬. 25, 2023 Spring Festival Holiday
周四 扬. 26, 2023 Spring Festival Holiday
星期五 扬. 27, 2023 Spring Festival Holiday
周一 四月. 03, 2023 青节
周二 四月. 04, 2023 青节
周三 四月. 05, 2023 青节
周一 可能 01, 2023 劳动节
周二 可能 02, 2023 劳动节
周三 可能 03, 2023 劳动节
周四 君 22, 2023 端午节
星期五 九月 29, 2023 中秋节
周一 十月 02, 2023 国庆假期
周二 十月 03, 2023 国庆假期
周三 十月 04, 2023 国庆假期
周四 十月 05, 2023 国庆假期
星期五 十月 06, 2023 国庆假期

Shenzhen Stock Exchangee SZSE Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on SZSE Exchange

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange (上证所) is a major stock exchange in China, playing a crucial role in the country’s financial system. 与任何证券交易所一样, the SZSE observes certain holidays throughout the year when trading activities are suspended. 这些假期让市场参与者休息一下, carry out necessary administrative tasks, 并维持交易所的运营. This article aims to outline the holidays observed by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2023 并讨论它们对交易和投资者的影响.

SZSE Holidays in 2023

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange follows a predetermined holiday schedule. 在 2023, the SZSE will be closed on the following days:

  1. 元旦: 1月1日, 2023 (公众假期)
  2. Spring Festival: February 15th – 21英石, 2023 (公众假期)
  3. Tomb-Sweeping Day: April 5th, 2023 (公众假期)
  4. 劳动节: 5月1日, 2023 (公众假期)
  5. 端午节: 6月5日, 2023 (公众假期)
  6. 中秋节: September 25th, 2023 (公众假期)
  7. 国庆日: 10月1日 – 7th, 2023 (公众假期)


The holidays observed by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange have a direct impact on trading activities and investor engagement. 在这些非交易日, 交易所已关闭, and investors cannot buy or sell securities listed on the SZSE. 最后, trading volumes and liquidity are significantly reduced during these periods.

对于交易者和投资者, it is essential to consider the SZSE holiday schedule when planning their investment strategies and managing their portfolios. Being aware of the market closures enables investors to adjust their trading activities and timing of transactions accordingly. It is advisable to plan ahead and execute trades either before or after these holidays to minimize any potential disruptions.

The holiday breaks also provide an opportunity for investors to review their investment portfolios, 分析市场趋势, and make informed decisions regarding their holdings. It is a time for self-reflection and adjustment of investment strategies to align with long-term goals.

假期期间, investors should stay informed about global economic and financial news that may impact the market upon reopening. 在此期间发生的重大事件或事态发展可能会影响投资者情绪,并在交易恢复时引发市场波动.

szse trading holidays in 2023
