
Trading Holidays on XTSX

日期 假期
周一 扬. 02, 2023 元旦假期
周一 二月. 20, 2023 Family Day
星期五 四月. 07, 2023 耶稣受难日
周一 可能 22, 2023 Victoria/Patriots’ 天
周一 Jul 03, 2023 Canada Day
周一 八月. 07, 2023 Civic Holiday
周一 Sep 04, 2023 劳动节
周一 Oct 09, 2023 Thanksgiving
周一 十二月 25, 2023 Christmas
周二 十二月 26, 2023 节礼日

Toronto Ventures Stock Exchange XTSX Holidays 2023


What investors need to know about holidays on XTSX Exchange

The Toronto Ventures Stock Exchange (XTSX), also known as the Canadian Securities Exchange, is a stock exchange based in Toronto, 加拿大. It provides a platform for trading stocks, 债券, and other securities issued by companies in Canada and other countries. The exchange operates on a schedule that is similar to other major exchanges around the world, 全年工作日和节假日均有正常交易时间. 在本文中, we will take a closer look at the XTSX holidays for 2023.

The XTSX follows the schedule of public holidays recognized by the Canadian government. 在 2023, the XTSX will be closed on the following days:

这几天, there will be no trading on the XTSX, 任何下达的订单将在下一个交易日排队. The XTSX will resume regular trading hours on the next business day following the holiday.

It is worth noting that the XTSX may also have special trading hours or closures during periods of market volatility or other unforeseen events. 在这种情况下, the XTSX will notify traders and investors in advance of any changes to the regular trading schedule.

综上所述, the XTSX holidays for 2023 follow the public holidays recognized by the Canadian government. 对于交易者和投资者来说,了解这些假期并做出相应计划以避免交易活动受到干扰非常重要. The XTSX’s regular trading hours are from Monday to Friday, 任何特殊交易时间或休市时间将提前公布. 全面的, the XTSX provides a reliable platform for trading securities in Canada, 其遵守定期时间表和透明的沟通使其成为对国内外投资者有吸引力的目的地.

xtsx trading holidays in 2023
